21-day Self Compassion Course

All of us have some version of an inner criticizer in our minds, commenting on us, our actions, our thoughts, our appearance, sometimes harshly. We might „hear“ a voice inside our minds say „How could you be so stupid?“, „There you go again, making a mess of things!“, „You’re just not good enough!“ or „I’m not worthy“, „I am stupid“, „I’m just plain ugly“ or „I don’t matter“.

These common mental habits play a role in many psychological themes such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, body image issues to name just a few. In this self-compassion course Julie uses science-based methods inspired by Professor Kristin Neff to help you to acknowledge all of this and invite you to develop a new mental habit of self-kindness. The daily input helps cultivate a healthy, motivating new voice which emerges to counterbalance the old, very critical one.

The course takes place over 21 days over zoom to help you get the regular practice that any new habit needs in order to establish itself. For more information just write to Julie directly: hello@julieleonardcoaching.com.

Next opportunity to join: March 8th – 28th 2025
Saturday 8th March 10.30-12.00- Introduction
Sunday 9th- Thursday 13th March 20.00-20.15- Check in and meditation
Friday 14th March 20.00-20.30- longer check-in and meditation
Friday 21st March 19.00- 19.15 – Check-in and meditation
Friday 28th March 20.00-20.30 Final check in and meditation